In a universe spanning 46.5 billion light years, we’ve only scanned 40,000 light years. Extraterrestrial could simply be too far away for our current technology to reach. Learn more about discovering Alien life form in this infograph.
Would you be more inclined to believe in extraterrestrial beings and UFOs if you saw something that looked like them? Most probably, yes. The existence of aliens has been an on-going debate for decades. Many people are awaiting solid proof to confirm their existence; others are already convinced because they have seen and experienced them […]
The world’s people have always been fascinated by UFO sightings. Since the beginning of the 1900s many have reported seeing peculiar flying objects floating through the sky. Some even claim to have been abducted by them. Despite so many sightings being reported across the world, some government agencies continue to claim they are ignoring them. […]
Humans have always been fascinated by the universe and all that it holds. Ever since we were little kids and looked up at the twinkling stars of the night sky, our curiosity kicked in, leaving us to wonder what else may be out there that we humans who have not yet had directly awakened experiences […]